I am very excited to announce that we will be offering a new series of Going Deeper sessions for 2024-25.
A New Series | The Lord's Prayer
This year we will be taking a deep dive into the theology and the spiritual life of one of the most powerful, poignant and important prayers ever prayed: The Lord's Prayer.
A (Brief) Word About Going Deeper
Going Deeper is a monthly gathering where we take a step back from the frenetic rush of our busy lives to think, wrestle, explore, debate, and ponder together the mystery of God.
Jesus taught us that the first and greatest commandment is this: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. (Mark 12:30)
What does it mean to love God with all your mind? St Anselm famously described this aspect of the Christian life as fides quaerens intellectum ("faith seeking understanding") -- an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God.
Going Deeper is a space for reimagining our thinking as a form of prayer and our theology an act of worship.
This is a space where it's ok to ask those awkward questions that you've long carried but perhaps never felt able to voice.
This is a space where the goal is not to try to see everything in the same way, but always to learn from the unique perspectives of one another – even if that comes in the form of respectful disagreement.
May the things we discover together along the way so impact our faith and so transform our understanding that we may never see the Lord's Prayer in the same light again.
I am so look forward to seeing going deeper together!